Piotr Nowinski

Senior Software Engineering Leader | Head of Engineering


Piotr Nowinski

Hey there, I’m Piotr, and I host this independent blog where I share insights from my professional life. The main focus is on leadership, software engineering, and team management, although I do delve into other areas from time to time.

I live in Gliwice, Poland with my wife and daughter. I am an experienced technology leader with a particular interest in Agile delivery and the development of strong, efficient teams and organizations.

More about me

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Key Traits of Highly Effective Product Engineering Organizations

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In today's competitive landscape, the success of any company hinges on its ability to deliver innovative products that meet the ever-evolving needs of its users. At the heart of this lies a world-class product engineering organization – a team that can translate vision into reality while successfully navigating the complexities of software development. These organizations are defined not just by...

Becoming remote-first organization – Atlassian’s lessons learned

Atlassian has recently released a report available at  that details their experience with transitioning to a remote-first organization. The report offers valuable insights and is worth reading. What stands out for me is that Atlassian recognized that remote work is not just about hiring new talent or saving on office space. It requires a shift in how the entire organization functions. In my...

Effective delegation

Effective delegation is a core management skill that every leader should master. In essence, delegation is an act of transferring responsibility for specific tasks to others (teams or individuals). Delegation should result in freeing the manager up for more strategic work, but it goes beyond just getting stuff off the manager's plate. Delegating empowers the teams, builds trust, encourages...

Decision-making velocity and drag

An insightful article about decision-making velocity and drag: . Many organizations concentrate on making their tooling and delivery processes more effective, yet they overlook or disregard the importance of verifying how they make decisions. Do your teams have the authority to make decisions on their own? Or do they have to involve managers in any issues or changes to a predetermined course of...

Evolution of engineering metrics

A good yet compact overview of the evolution of software engineering metrics and various attempts to measure the productivity of software development teams: . It’s nice to see how metrics moved away from being output-driven (lines of code or velocity) towards being more outcome-focused (DORA). Finally, it’s now widely acknowledged that the well-being and satisfaction of development...

Long-term planning vs backlog management

When we talk about longer-term planning in Agile world we usually focus on estimating (i.e. in Story Points), team’s velocity and a way of forecasting a timeframe by which a predefined set of backlog items can be delivered. While the above is absolutely valid and critical, we often forget that a success of a long-term delivery also depends on how a product backlog for the is prepared and...